Why trust an event agency?

Trust is important in so many aspects of our lives both professionally and personally. We trust professionals in many different industries from healthcare to plumbing, so why not trust professionals to manage your events as well?

If an event is being organised internally, it is often added to the list of things that person or internal events team have to do, meaning that they may often get drawn into other areas of their work instead of being able to focus on the event. This can lead to stress, deadline delays, and ultimately the event can take a backseat. A professional event planner will focus solely on your event, dealing with the logistics, taking away the headaches that result from organising big and complex events, to make sure their clients achieve the objectives set out in their brief.

Trust in their expertise & experience

Trusting in an event agency means that you are also trusting in their years of experience. For example, Dynamic has 25 years of working on international conferences which ultimately speaks for itself but brings with it strong relationships and partnerships with suppliers and venues across the world. Professional event agencies will know the right people, with the right skills, based on their client’s needs. They have a network of skilled professionals they have already worked with, such as caterers, AV technicians, hotels etc.

Trust them to manage the risks

Events come with risks – so why not risk trusting an event agency to manage these risks? A huge part of planning that is often overlooked by internally planned events is the importance of risk management and liability. It is not often the case that the internal event managed, however skilled, has the requisite experience in contract negotiations and ensuring that the financial liability of the company is protected. With Dynamic, our 25 years hasn’t only built up a list of contacts, but it has allowed us to experience certain challenges and risks with events over the years, allowing us to now have extensive negotiations with suppliers to ensure that clients are financially protected, as well as complex contracts outlining tiny details such as ‘ensuring no building work is taking place at the hotel during the event’ to ensure a high-quality experience is provided.

Trust in their team training

Trust in training. Whether your event is going to be small or large, virtual or in-person, it will require a lot of hard work and attention to detail. Using an internal events team will require a huge amount of time dedicated to training staff on every aspect of event planning for months prior all the way up to the live days. The list of skills needed are extensive and at times feel never ending, meaning you are playing catch up to experts that are already available at external agencies. One of our clients at Dynamic picked up on this extensive training event professionals go through saying that:

‘their attention to detail and their commitment to excellence is second to none. We have worked closely in previous years with Jade, and more recently Louise and Rose. It is a testament to the onboarding and training at Dynamic that whoever you work with is as good as the last, we trust them without question to deliver our brief.’

This glowing review didn’t just come out of nowhere. When briefed with planning a conference centred around climate action and sustainable dairy production, the team at Dynamic pulled out all the stops. This is simply because our employees love what they do and are dedicated to making sure our clients are happy at all points of the process.

Trust in their creativity

A major challenge that can occur when creating global events year on year, is making sure that the events are fresh, up to date and memorable for guests. Event agencies have their fingers on the pulse and are constantly researching trends and exploring new technology and platforms. Trusting in their knowledge of making events more creative is a valuable resource for your company to ensure that your events are innovative and allow unique experiences for your delegates.

Trust Dynamic

Trust is an integral value at Dynamic Events - with our clients, our supplier partners and within our team. Trust allows us to be brave and open-minded, and is rewarded with loyalty and growth. Our commitment to being an integral part of your business philosophy drives our promise to share your culture and values, and be a familiar, fun and trusted extension of your team.

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